Boris for Blackjack
Software Help Facility
(Last Updated: 12-16-2006)

Container Screen Help Menu

Boris' Current Facility allows you to popup an Electronic Manual, that altho not .HTML compatible, is readable with most WordProcessors. Beginning in Dec. 2004 we have been moving toward an .HTML Help facility.
Check back to this web-page every week to find the latest additions to the Help facility.

Later in 2006, we should have the Help Facility complete and will ship it as part of the 4.44 Release. At that time, pressing Shift-F1 will invoke the Help facility to your Browser. Meanwhile existing Boris users can take advantage of what we do have and keep up with where Boris is headed in 2006 and beyond.
Boris' New Help facility will be released essentially, one screen at a time.
If you have suggestion for how we can improve/add-to this manual, feel free to write us.

The Index area to your left allows you to select major screens you wish help/information on. When fully functional, each screen image will allow you to click on its components, popping up the details into the [Display_Area] (at the top of this screen) describing that aspect/feature in Boris' Blackjack software.